Mar 25, 2021Liked by Erik Kain

I'm impressed with how good the idea of randomizing room layouts is. Call of Duty actually trivializes urban combat with its level design (in campaign it's just a linear level to beat, while multiplayer maps must be designed with balance in mind). I think it looks very exciting, something with some Red Orchestra vibes but with a modern setting. Also, I'm reminded of the squad controls from Republic Commando; I've never really seen other games with such simplified-yet-functional squad tactics. I think I'd play this whether it includes white phosphorus or not. Perhaps I'm a thrill-seeker or, dare I say it, somewhat diabolical.

So, I guess this is what we get for this week's cancellation. I wonder what we'll get next week, because it seems a bit extra ridiculous this time. Perhaps people are just frustrated after a long epidemic and 2020, or maybe it's the thrill of being part of the canceling mob. I don't get vibes that there's much real interest in the use of white phosphorus here. Hopefully the game survives this time.

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Ha, "this week's" is so true. I suspect there will be another soon enough.

And yeah, clearly you're just diabolical!

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Mar 25, 2021Liked by Erik Kain

The hypocrisy is next-level. It's insane to me that a video game dev is jumping on the games cause violence train. Part of me thinks he doesn't realize what he's saying because he's too focused on taking center stage with the issue.

Great read... this is freaky stuff when you think of this situations possible evolution/implications.

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Thanks! Yeah it's bizarre.

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Mar 25, 2021Liked by Erik Kain

I don’t know who any of the people are in the tweets you included. You said Dorias is another video game developer. Which seems odd to me but then he’s identifying as Iraqi. Maybe he knew people killed there and it just cuts too close to home for him to look at it dispassionately. Are the others developers or journalists or activists or just random people?

I am wondering how widespread this is. I read today that 12 people are responsible for 70% of the anti-vax garbage on Facebook. So is this just people complaining and are you just amplifying a very small number or is this a widespread feeling?

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It's definitely a niche but it's a powerful one in media right now.

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Mar 25, 2021Liked by Erik Kain

It’s almost like the Jack Thompson’s of old have become the new illiberal of new. These people to even call for a game to be banned just show they actually don’t care about diverse media, they want only preapproved woke media.

Thank you for a breath of fresh air!!!

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Thanks, Curtis! Yeah it's...so weird to have the new Jack Thompsons be all these woke people using *very* similar arguments.

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I suspect this game is catching a lot of flak because the Iraq War is perceived as a 'right wing' war. This fight over the video game is really about status - the status of those who endorsed the war, and those who opposed it.

Making a video game feels too close to venerating the war to those who oppose the game.

I strongly opposed the war (and still do), but it is ridiculous to criticize this game, esp when people haven't even played it.

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"War is a Racket!" - USMC Major General Smedley Butler (1935). However, video games.. are well games and nothing more. Censorship and War are both bad and both have severe consequences. As George Carlin stated many years ago, "It is not important to teach your kids to read but to teach them to question what they read."

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The height of the US propaganda machine, wow. I'm sure that dipshit Peter Tamte has never thought anything through. US is such a clown country. Let me get this correct, we're going to release this propagandized story of US Heroes as the heroes??? Are u fucking kidding me? Heroes help the weak, they dont attack, invade and slaughter the weak. We are a fading empire that routed all our economic might to endless fucking wars, massive surveillence and that national secruity complex that sent a armored tank and swat team to a school bc the elementary school kid had a squirt gun. We are so fucked. We invade the poorest fucking countries. Afghanistan never had even a a standing army. WTF. , We sent our marines, fully decked out in 21st century tech, battling people that lived in mudhuts! mainly goat herders and children so poor they walk the streets shoeless. Now we are releasing a game about this? Yep, that sounds about right. Only the most diseased brains alive, believe the US military post world war two are heroes. From attaching impoverished farmers of Vietnam over their system of governance. Jesus christ, give me a fucking break. How about we write a game about what it means to be a real hero?? Right now the Texas oil and gas rednecks are carving up everywhere from Peru to PNG, making billions shitting on other poor people's natural environment. And i have two best friends, both army rangers that were sent to protect PRIVATE oil AND GAS infracture. WTF< why are we protecting that shit? My taxes go to protect billionaire shit? As US citizen we dont share in those profits. Only the billionaires. I say make video that shows the Peruvian peasant children rising up against the onslaught of the Kevlar wearing, night scope equipped, high armored US troops on behalf of their billionaire masters that run the pentagon. Now that would sell! People like real heroes. There's nothing heroic about the what we have done post ww2. Just profiteering for highly concentrated wealth which is none of us here on this thread. The billionaires who are so powerful they can pull strings at the pentagon. Fuck them all. After my first cousin, a marine was seriously injured, enough to try to commit suicide, and now has been hopped up on every med you can take for more than a decade to keep him from killing himself, as say fuck all the clowns wanting to release this game. Every architect of the wars since the great war supposedly to end all wars (WW2), should be hung in the streets of philly, for suggesting more wars against innocent, impoverished civilians. We are supposed to be heroes. Now we are glorifying marines going into mud huts, attacking people so poor they wear cloth?? Holy shit, what a diseased country we have become.

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You are a hero my friend

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Completely insane, hope the game is released and that it's a good one.

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