here's the thing, what I read was that not only had she already had to apologize for the things she had said in the past, leading to Disney not announcing her as the star of one of the Mandalorian spin-offs, but she then doubled down and supported the mob that attacked the capitol, she kept spitting out election fraud, she was calling people names for wearing masks. Is it ok to have your own opinion? sure. But at what cost? and Disney has every right to disagree with her, show her the door, and tell her "this is the way".

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Yeah she needed to cool it and never did. Actions have consequences

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I truly don't know what the answer is. I am pretty conservative in my personal views, however as an American, my views are mine. I don't need to soap box anyone. I am almost a Christian Jesus Freak. And guess what? Jesus wouldn't carry a clipboard saying this person can enter, and that person can't. Love is truly the answer. If she was bashing conservative views, she'd be a hero. Instead she hit her "I don't care anymore" point, and went full, "It's on!" I love following good art. Preacher on AMC would make some Born Again Christians go on a full march. I loved every second of it. Why? Because a tv show has zero to do with my faith. No one seems to have any disconnect anymore. I am not cancelling anyone. My day to day is about my family, my friends, good tv and music. I tune out all the noise. I am 48, and just tired of all the hate. I won't feed into either side. THIS is the way.

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This article hits on many things that I've been feeling for a long time. I largely blame partisan news and social media for the obsession with politics. It's sad that social media turned into what it is now. I remember Myspace being fun and it went by the wayside for the constant left vs right and negativity of Twitter and Facebook. I wish people would realize that most the politicians they deify pretty much couldn't care less about them and that goes for left and right.

Part of the problem is that social media magnifies everything and puts what used to be micro interactions on a macro level. Before you might complain among your friends about politicians being crooked or taking your rights and it wouldn't go any further than the group you were hanging out with. Now you can plaster your complaints all over social media and get thousands to show up at a protest.

The same goes for saying something stupid or peddling conspiracy theories. Before you might get laughed at or told to shut up by your friends, on social media it could be seen by thousands and you could lose your livelihood.

Maybe part of the solution is to start hanging out with your friends in person again (once it is safe), go outside and take a walk, watch something funny or entertaining instead of the news, listen to audio books, non-political podcasts or music instead of talk radio, and get a reader and read eBooks instead of reading social media.

If you take the reading route, "How to Win Friends & Influence People" might be a good book to start with. It seems like a large part of society has taken all the advice given in that book and decided to do the exact opposite.

I agree that outrage and anger is a burden not worth carrying. We should be able to forgive or at the very least ignore. There shouldn't be a constant need to crush your enemies.

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Thanks Toby, this is a great comment. All good advice!

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Superb article, Erik. I agree, that using the Jewish analogy was clumsy and ill thought, but it was probably the most obvious comparison that came into her mind. I do think she has a valid point, in that media does like to whip the baying crowds into a frenzy. I don't think it's just conservatives who are victims of this, though.

I thoroughly despise cancel culture though. Wanting to see someone sacked/cancelled, because they don't align themselves to your way of thinking? That's some pretty fascist shiz right there. Quite scary actually.

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Thanks, Dan!

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"History is history. It’s only edited because different historians research and write about different pieces of it in different ways. There’s not some vast conspiracy to cover up random historical facts (though I suppose there are efforts to paint over anything we now find distasteful)."

This simply isn't accurate. History *is* edited in conspiratorial ways (e.g. photoshopping Trotsky out of photos with Stalin to pick a famous example), it's systematically suppressed and erased by state mandate (think of Armenian Genocide denial in Turkey, or denial of Jap war crimes in history books there), and then revised with "Alternative " narratives later - like the teaching of Howard Zinn's debunked "Alt History" in American schools since the 1980's that portrays the USA as an evil, racist, imperialist Great Satan.

Gina's point is well-made. Nazis have become caricatures - avatars for "pure evil monsters" who simply had a bloodlust to murder their neighbors. When the actual history shows that regular, every day neighbors can turn on each other in a similar way if the political climate becomes too toxic. It's not hard to imagine the USA entering this territory in the near future.

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Sure, there are places and times when history has been covered up and the populace has been kept in the dark. Not the history in this meme, however, which is widely known information. I think most history we're taught is fairly balanced. Any real deep dive into American politics shows that we are neither the Great Satan or innocent. Like all great nations (really all nations) we have a mixture of good and bad, though I'd say America has largely been a force for good, mishaps and all.

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You nailed this, man. I think there was much more happening between her and Disney behind the scenes that justified the firing (some of the other commenters are pointing it out), but the high points you bring up are what my wife and I discuss every day as we watch our country seemingly become more and more divisive. Why the eff can't we just talk more?

Pretend for just one moment that the 70 to 80 million people that didn't vote the way you did aren't your enemy. That they aren't brainwashed puppets falling for some vast conspiracy and that they are just like you and me and have their own beliefs, wants, desires, and more. Maybe they are wrong about some things; maybe you are wrong about some things. Take some time to build and understand your own beliefs, learn to voice them and back them with evidence, and be willing to change if the evidence doesn't hold water - it's liberating to change from time to time based on fact and not the latest meme that Cheryl from accounting shared on Twitter. Together, maybe we can learn to talk more, cancel less, and enjoy the absolutely amazing things that this world has to offer.

Like WandaVision.

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Thanks Wyatt! And very well said!

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Social media is a malignancy on the body politic. As such it ought to be treated aggressively for removal. But since that will never happen, I choose to treat it as a cancer I can cure for myself: I'm off all social platforms, and have returned to text messages and commenting on websites. The tumors of LinkedIn and Instagram and Twitter have been removed, and I feel fine.

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Good for you!

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Fine column today, Erik. Thought provoking. One point. When you write - “on the other hand” - and perhaps I misunderstand, but you may be unknowingly participating in the “myth of the clean werhmacht”. The average German soldier and officer participated fully and often eagerly in the extermination of “undesirables”. The wiki is well worth a read for quick historical background.

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Oh for sure. My point was simply that Nazi soldiers is a somewhat clumsy way to think about it.

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To me, this is an example of an amateur scholar trying to make a some really deep sounding observation or social commentary, but falling short because she doesn't quite grasp the nature and context of her reference point. She is technically right. However, an entire country standing by quietly as anti Semeticism rose from discrimination to genocide is not the same thing as shutting down liberal or conservative commentary. I wouldn't have let her go over this, but her history of making worse commentary in the past did her in. I'm sure she was warned. This was a post that she didn't need to make. I'm sure she now regrets pushing the send button

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Serious discussion aside for a sec. Its a real shame for the show to lose her. Enjoyed the article

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Yeah it is a shame. So pointless.

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I just wonder what is it going to take for the middle to finally rise up and say "enough"? The edges keep getting louder and louder behind their keyboards, and now in the streets. It is almost a self spiraling conclusion where the middle doesn't get involved because they see people get tore apart for any sort of difference they may have (aside from Gina, who I think knew exactly what she was doing, why - only she knows). Sitting at your local craft brewery, or in government, until we can discuss calmly and negotiate in good faith again, towards the common good, I am truly scared where we are heading..

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"why - only she knows"

She's a lifelong cage fighter. Are cage fighters the type of folks to bite their tongue in adherence to political correctness? It's sort of like Dave Chappelle's famous comedy sketch - 'when keeping it real goes wrong' - that portrays certain people willing to tank their careers and lives over petty grievances - and that this is "keeping it real" (or adhering to some extreme code of integrity).

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The following article touches on this quite a bit.


It says that a recent poll showed that almost 70% are in the middle and that "the exhausted majority could be the key to combating polarization and saving the world. If only we weren’t so afraid."

This and Erik's article pretty much sum up my feelings about the current political climate.

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