crazy. crazy! but, understandable... and sad. your religious background may inform and inspire the art (work) and that's entirely okay. video games should be one of the safest places of expression for artists... of all types.

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I agree.

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Well said. Every single thing you said in this article is totally spot on.. Belief, in whatever form that takes, is an ancient and very human trait. Taking that away makes us inferior to our ancestors: a retrograde evolutionary step.

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Atheism is also a belief.

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Not according to the Oxford English Dictionary: disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods

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Just as an aside, though, I don't understand why atheists back themselves into a corner by refusing to consider an alternative to the 'dead and buried and that's it' mantra.

Why assume that the road you are on leads to a dead end when there is no signage to suggest that is the case?

Surely the only rational thing to do is to keep an open mind..

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Firstly: a negative belief (or "disbelief") is still a belief- or, to put it another way, an opinion. Trying to deny that atheism is an opinion is ridiculous.

Secondly, they "back themselves into a corner" because they genuinely believe that there is no afterlife. Do you ask why Christians "back themselves into a corner" by refusing to believe in reincarnation, or the healing power of crystals? By your own words, "surely the only rational thing to do is to keep an open mind."

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Agree with Essex here. Not believing is still an active choice, even merely deciding you don't know what to believe is a belief. Different than a faith, perhaps, but still a belief. I also think agree that there are corners everywhere. No different for an atheist or a Christian or a Buddhist.

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I always wonder when i read things like this, Who are your (the writer) friends? Don't you have atheists, theist, straight, gay, black or white friends?

Even if you think there are differences, even ideas more worthy than others, Do you recover the stray sheep or kick it out of the road? If someone is wrong, don't you wish he or she change his her mind?

Even more, Haven't you learned to love flawed things? Like all our friends and us.

it is so irrational, all this moral hygiene.

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