Let the bakers choose themselves, and let the market sort them out!

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My thoughts exactly. Why target this baker knowing full well he’d refuse the order? What indeed is hoped to be accomplished? Seems like they haven’t fully thought through the ramifications, as you pointed out with the swasticake. Another unfortunate side effect is absolutely going to be to add to the already skewed persecution fantasies most of these fundamentalist Christians live for. Sheesh.

Side note of possible interest: I believe I’ve read that Bible scholars regard that story of Jesus talking about “casting stones” was added much much later than the original texts. It’s not in the original manuscripts and seems to be randomly inserted into a longer story that has little to do with stones and prostitutes. That’s how religious leaders wanted Jesus to look centuries later. Begs the question: what would Jesus in fact do in this situation?

Great post, as usual. Keep it up!

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Thanks! Yeah, I know the more fire-and-brimstone biblical Jesus would probably be more of a dick about everything but I like the "cast the first stone" Jesus more. Also "swasticake" is brilliant!

The persecution complex issue is one I wish I'd thought of when I penned this and may have to include in a follow-up. There's a weird cycle that's almost symbiotic between the cancellers and the cancelled. The former gets their jollies tearing people down; the latter gets their jollies playing the victim (though that's not always the case, of course). But there is a inexplicably large segment on the right that seems to think being white and Christian and conservative makes you the biggest of all victims of all time. It's probably not politically wise to add fuel to that fire.

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It was 1230 am and I began to misspell “swastika”. Couldn’t be bothered to fix it. Use it with reckless abandon!

So funny that said large segment on the right constantly cry about being the real victims and always relentlessly persecuted... Just because others outside their segment are gaining rights, they believe their own rights are being infringed upon. Christians are in fact the least persecuted group. Throw a rock and hit a church. Christian bookstores. Christian radio. Gimme a break. Break me off a piece of that swasticake!

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Just found this news article. Headline is a bit click-baity but it’s not hard to reach that conclusion given what we’ve seen with cakes. Confections are one thing; infections are something else entirely.


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