Can you believe I am allergic to it!?!? I have been sober from booze since 2009, but Kratom is my life saver! That is peace on earth for me. And of course, there are places kratom leaves are illegal.

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Damn, that sucks (about pot, not Kratom which I've never actually tried what's it like?) Sometimes pot makes me too paranoid to enjoy it, unfortunately, but sometimes it's alright. What side effects do you have?

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Erik, I am almost 49 years old now. Even single time I tried Pot, I felt not just paranoid, but like I was out of my skin. I couldn't hold a thought for hours. It was like a Groundhog Day experience for 8 hours of hell. Not like a booze buzz, or a nice tipsy. I had to quit the booze, because I just could never ever have one. Kratom. WOW. There is a CBD Kratom store near me. I walked in, basically told them that I am not looking for a buzz, or a euphoric experience. I read that Kratom can really help with anxiety, depression and energy to complete tasks. They truly got me. No judgement. They suggested a strain, and I picked capsules called "White Gold". But their website has many different strains and what they help with. I am on a great Reddit board, and real awesome people I follow and read. No doubt buddy. Check it out. I must have passed that store 1000 times, before I did some reading, and walked in one day.

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Cool, good to know! Thank you

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I don't indulge and I have no problem in it being decriminalised. There are studies that show it can have a negative effect on IQ levels though.

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Kids should not do it for sure.

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I’m allergic to weed. I get something called “the whities” (what it’s called in South Africa). I become nauseous, pale, and start to sweat. And I seem to remember a few train derailments caused by train drivers smoking the stuff?

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That sucks. But "a few train derailments" sounds like a fake story to me.

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I’m not going to lie - I read about it happening in some old Readers Digests I found in my Gran’s toilet.

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like an old wives tale

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