Jul 2, 2021Liked by Erik Kain

sometimes, i just want to be entertained w/o having to meta-analyze my own psyche and it's relationship (or mis-alignment?) with "pop culture" and twitter-shit... is that too simple? maybe i'm basic.

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It's this creepy obsession progressive critics have with claiming ownership over pop culture. They can't reconcile sharing their love for a movie with undesirables (believing it to be a reflection on them), and assert heavy-handed messaging that isn't in the actual movie to exclude such people. As a rational full-grown adult who's secure in myself, I would never tell somebody with an opposing political viewpoint that they can't enjoy something I also enjoy. I'm not going to freak out just because a bona fide Klan member likes Star Trek, as if that puts my love for the series in jeopardy until I perform the mental gymnastics required to exorcize him from the fanbase.

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Just listened to your podcast with Colin and subscribed. I don't read enough and I enjoyed this. Looking forward to catching up on the old ones and seeing the new ones.

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