Never realized Scrooged was in his list of great accomplishments. Will have to watch it again soon. Goonies is a mainstay in this house for sure. Just picked up the soundtrack. I've got a couple of posters and a spattering of other goods. Of Donner's films, it's probably my favorite as well. Been a while since I've seen any of the Lethal Weapon films. Hard to have those on with young ones running around. Maybe it'll be a Donner Film Fest this weekend in the theater room.

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the cussing is the part that is missing today; it seems carefree... but not in a bad way, in an authentic one. it was just "part" of life, not just captured for film and an audience. now, it's far too scripted.... you know when someone is going to drop the "f bomb" and then, that's it... cause, that's all they are allowed.

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Too often we focus on a person's passing.

Let's remember their accomplishments and the joy that they brought to us.

Best epitaph for a life well lived.

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