The article basically wants all of gaming-dom, from moderators to developers to players to publishers to whoever else I'm missing, to break their backs so that people don't receive any form of perceived negativity whatsoever. Like, of any kind. There's no personal agency anywhere to be found. She says, but if I go to this game, there might be something bad. And if I go over to this gaming space, there also might be something bad.
Ma'am...I honestly don't know what to tell you other than stop gaming period. Better yet, stop doing anything other than sitting in your home or apartment and consuming novels, TV shows and movies you've approved of prior so there's no chance it can hurt you.
This is absurdity.
"The exceptions are the less-combat focused games like Animal Crossing, although many toxic gamers will tell you they’re not real games anyway."
Who frickin' cares what other people think? I've played games using cheat codes. I've used strategy guides. I stay away from competitive games like CoD Warzone or Battlefield because I don't like how agitated I get when I play them. I don't expect competitive games to bend to my whims or fancies...if I don't like the food served at the restaurant, or the restaurant staff, or the patrons at the restaurant...I don't frickin' go to the restaurant.
The article basically wants all of gaming-dom, from moderators to developers to players to publishers to whoever else I'm missing, to break their backs so that people don't receive any form of perceived negativity whatsoever. Like, of any kind. There's no personal agency anywhere to be found. She says, but if I go to this game, there might be something bad. And if I go over to this gaming space, there also might be something bad.
Ma'am...I honestly don't know what to tell you other than stop gaming period. Better yet, stop doing anything other than sitting in your home or apartment and consuming novels, TV shows and movies you've approved of prior so there's no chance it can hurt you.
This is absurdity.
"The exceptions are the less-combat focused games like Animal Crossing, although many toxic gamers will tell you they’re not real games anyway."
Who frickin' cares what other people think? I've played games using cheat codes. I've used strategy guides. I stay away from competitive games like CoD Warzone or Battlefield because I don't like how agitated I get when I play them. I don't expect competitive games to bend to my whims or fancies...if I don't like the food served at the restaurant, or the restaurant staff, or the patrons at the restaurant...I don't frickin' go to the restaurant.
Very well said!