
Inadequate, but courtesy is the lubricant of a functioning society.

Example. I am a straight man, relatively attractive for my age.

I have been approached a couple of times by gay men. I turned them down with the courtesy that I hope to get from women when they turn me down (happens more than I like).

Anger is rarely an appropriate response.

I suspect that there are many predators (both sexual and social); they may need a firmer response.

But there is a shortage of both courtesy and compassion in our world.

Many will comment on the weakness of my lament, but anger is always available.

Let's try courtesy first.

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Manners maketh man and all that. I completely agree. Be courteous and respectful. Whenever possible give the benefit of the doubt.

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Hate to even make this point, but it's important to this story- she wasn't just exposing genitalia, she was exposing erect genitalia. In front of a 6 year old. It's really unfortunate that a few creeps and creepers do stuff like this and make things more difficult for other trans people.

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Allegedly at least a partially erect penis, yes. I didn't include that bit because I'm just not sure what's true. If so, however, it certainly makes the situation worse.

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They only have uni- toilets in Sweden. But a penised person walking around the sauna or spa with a semi would probably get into trouble in any Scandinavian country. The female equivalent would a woman fingering herself - not a pretty sight in a non-sexual environment.

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Oof. Equating antifa and fascists is some painful what-about-ism.

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Have you seen how antifa behaves? That's not my left, bro. That's some angsty shits looking to fight and break shit.

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Unfortunately, if you look at the discussion below it seems like they're pretty heavily blinded by ideology and not interested in discussion, only in scoring lay-ups against imagined ideological enemies (see how they classify skepticism regarding the unfair advantages several studies suggest transgender athletes have over their cisgender counterparts as 'hatred').

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I think you’re conflating the black bloc and anti-globalist / capitalist groups with anti-fa. Anti-fa isn’t coming out for nothing. It’s in response to fascist gatherings like proud boy marches. I appreciate them.

Anyway, there was a nice article on transgender athletes on ESPN this week. For whatever it’s worth I’m in CT and have 2 young daughters. I don’t think I want them seeing some person’s chubby in a locker room or spa but I have no problem with transgender youth playing sports.


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Having been to a couple protests recently with antifa in attendance I think you're seeing them through some really heavy rose-tinted glasses. You know how the Proud Boys sometimes go up to strangers and harass them and yell at them for no good reason? You bet antifa does that too. Watched it happen quite a few times.

Like any other fringe ideological group (not "organization"), some subset of the population will jump at any opportunity to just go out and beat some people up or satisfy their power fantasy, while paying some lip service to ideology so they don't get into too much trouble. The proportion of such people of course varies across different groups, but in recent years antifa's record is really not looking good.

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In most athletic sports, an MtF transgender individual is going to have a massively unfair advantage compared to their cis female competitors- contrariwise, an FtM transgender individual is going to be handicapped. It doesn't matter if they've had the procedure and are on HRT, you simply cannot undo the skeletal system and muscles you are born with. Trans women competitors in virtually every field destroy records set by their cis competitors despite said records placing them in the middle of the pack among individuals of their birth gender. We segregate athletics by sex for a reason, and telling women they must compete against someone who is physically a man (thus dooming them to failure) because that person is too fragile to acknowledge the immutable reality of their body is shameful. Is this small group's self-esteem so important that the vast, VAST majority of people's own comfort, self-esteem, and in some cases basic rights must be curtailed so they aren't wounded?

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I would like to see your citations for this claim: Trans women competitors in virtually every field destroy records set by their cis competitors despite said records placing them in the middle of the pack among individuals of their birth gender.

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Certainly: https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/55/11/577.full?ijkey=yjlCzZVZFRDZzHz&keytype=ref



Given that this is a very new field of research, there aren't many sources, so I assume three is enough to assuage you that I'm not simply making things up?

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Oh my goodness. Im not reading all that. I want examples of records in virtually every field where trans women have destroyed records.

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Sep 4, 2021
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Hahahahahaha!!! The FBI disagrees with your lies.

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So what's your take on 01/06, then?

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Sep 4, 2021
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I think anyone involved at both events who actually engaged in violence or unlawful trespass, as opposed to peaceful protest, should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I don't hold people to different standards just because I find their views personally repugnant or nonsensical.

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Erik. Look at some of these comments, man. This is why I can’t get exercised about “woke-ism”, or SJW’s or antifa. Fascism and bigotry are on the march in this country. You are a good writer with interesting things to say but good luck trying to thread this needle. Regressive voices have found a home in your comment section.

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