When America sets it mind to collectively do something, we have the logistics and experience to do it. Wish that happened more often.

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I complained a lot when the US said "first us" and stopped exporting shots to the world. Now that the US has donated millons and millons of dosis i can only says that is real world leadership. It is amazing. Cheers from the south!

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Slightly off topic, but the old media sources have failed us (the NYT's slant on the numbers is a clear example).

Almost all of them have political agendas, publish clickbait, or just plain don't do their job.

Thinking people have learned to get their information from new, trusted sources.

I read Glenn Greenwald, Bari Weiss, and a couple of legacy sources (eg WSJ). And obviously Kain.

The irony is that I am to the right of Attila the Hun and I go to two Lefties like Greenwald and Weiss.

Honesty is more important than politics.

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I promise you - no one on the left claims GG and Weiss. They are far closer to Attila than what passes for the left today in the USA such as AOC or Bernie.

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Bari Weiss is fairly centrist. I'm a moderate progressive/lefty and don't really have much of an issue with her.

(My view is that GG is batshit most of the time.)

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Ok. I don’t want to argue. She worked at the Wall St Journal Opinion page and then went to work at the NYT because of Bret Stephens another conservative. You want to call her a centrist, I don’t agree but whatever. Whatever label you care to use, she is absolutely not a “lefty”. GG wants fascism for everyone but himself.

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I don't follow a lot of Greenwald's stuff. I like Matt Taibbi a lot though.

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I used to love Taibbi. I have a couple of his books. He lost me a couple years back when he categorically denied there were any connections btw Trump and the Russians going so far as to compare Trump / Russian connections to the lies W told about WMD in iraq.

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She's certainly not a lefty! I guess my only point was that she seems centrist compared to what passes for right wing (MAGA, basically) nowadays.

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I don't think vaccine mandates are government overreach. That's how we got rid of polio, small pox, etc.. That's was a requirement before children could enroll in school.

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