Should Biden Resign Over The Afghanistan Debacle?
Actually it took courage to get out despite all the political opposition. We should criticize the failures of our political leaders, but we should also celebrate the end of this war.
Trending on Twitter today is some variation of the hashtag #BidenResign or just #resign or #ResignNow and so on and so forth. A lot of people who are brazen partisans got this going and a lot of other people who actually don’t give two shits about Afghanistan or the Afghan people are signal-boosting it.
The truth is, Biden and his administration had to exert enormous political courage to leave, to pull troops out of this failed two-decade-long occupation, to say once and for all that our attempts at nation-building were a failure—an arrogant, foolish, disgraceful failure that began with the Bush administration, inexcusably continued through Obama’s two terms (even after the death of Osama bin Laden) and only started to wind down under Trump, a president I despised but whose foreign policy was nevertheless somewhat less terrible than the neocons and neoliberals.
The terrorist attack in Kabul that left 12 US Marines and countless civilians dead and dozens more wounded is a horrific tragedy and certainly an example of why we should want no part in this backwater country filled with religious fanatics whose worldview could not be more different from our own. And while my heart goes out to the innocent people who died and who will now live under the Taliban’s cruel Sharia law, it remains a fact that this is not our country, these are not our people, we have no business determining their fate.
Everyone wringing their hands over what should have, or could have, been done better is engaging in grotesque hindsight. Lots and lots of armchair generals on Twitter going on and on about how this is all inexcusable and if only we’d done X, Y and Z differently everything would have been hunky-dory. Yes, isn’t it wonderful how in hindsight we can see all the little errors that were made. Isn’t it just as wonderful that all these people who give no shits about Afghanistan or its people are suddenly So Deeply Concerned with the whole thing.
I’m not a fan of Joe Biden but I admire his willingness to do something unpopular with the political class, something that he knew he’d get pushback on from the right but also from within his own party. Of course, I think most Americans would rather we not be there anymore, would rather we focused our energy and money here at home or at least through charitable aid rather than brute force. It is our political class, the planners and the big-wigs, who are the most warlike, who are quickest to rush us to war, to send young men to die. Who drum up fear and nativism and all the other bad impulses so easily fomented among the public.
To hell with that. The real scandal is the occupation itself, not Biden’s botched withdrawal. Yes, by all means let’s criticize Biden also. Certainly he and his generals and advisors could have planned it all better, but we should be wary of pretending like we know better or like we, in all our Twitter wisdom, could have handled things better or even that any other administration would have. This is messy business. That’s the nature of it and we can’t possibly know all the little ways plans go awry in a situation like this.
But sure, pretend you know best, repeat whatever angry nonsense your talking heads tell you on Twitter or Fox News or wherever. Surely that will solve all the world’s ills. And if Biden resigns and Kamala Harris becomes president, what then? Will you be satisfied?
You can find me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube. Read my Forbes blog here.
Good video man. I agree for the most part, I think Biden's age is secondary to his trying to just navigate the myriad foreign policy agreements and other political attached strings. I'm not sure that any pull out of Afghanistan would have ever been completely free from issues, and the fact that the Trump administration essentially gave the country over to the Taliban (with a time table attached as well, that Biden extended btw) I think it was inevitable.
If anything, it's refreshing that Biden is kind of accepting credit for the logistical failures and imperfection of the pull out, even as he tries to convince people of the WHY it needed to happen. Had God Emperor Trump been in this situation he would have tweeted something inane, decried his Generals, fired someone on the Joint Chiefs and probably the SecDef, then claimed that had he been more involved, he would have 'made a much better deal, the greatest deal, the Taliban would be too scared to do this' blah blah blah. At least Uncle Joe is being somewhat real about it.
The loss of American troops during the pull out though, that's a big wrinkle in Joe's plans. Now it's going to be hard to save political face - hell the Taliban are already disavowing they had anything to do with it, and laying it at the feet of DAESH. If we don't show force I'll be amazed, it wouldn't even surprise me if NATO doesn't go back in.
It's a fucking mess all around, but the Right is in no position to lead us any better than the Left is. None of them ever had a end game to get out, which is why we've been there for 20 years. Our leaders are jokes, and our military, NGO/Aid Orgs, and the people of Afghanistan continue to pay for their cowardice and political avarice.
Biden/Harris can't resign. The Elephants don't even have a candidate fit for the job that could take their place; bunch of dimwits with no self-criticism.